Wednesday, April 24, 2024


Libraries in the Digital Age - LibGuides

by Rachel T.

As an older college student, I am sometimes intimidated by aspects of online coursework, assignment submission, and online communication. I do, however, see the value of creating and posting projects that offer information and advice to other students. How great to be able to share your knowledge with others! Now that I am enrolled in LT 130, Library and Media Technology, I have experimented with new (to me) software and gained knowledge about which software programs are available for free. I am excited about using the free version of Canva to design visually appealing and informative flyers and brochures.

While I have not created projects in LibGuides, I have enjoyed viewing projects created by others, usually Palomar librarians. I enjoy the user-friendly layout of these guides, including the tabs linking to additional information and the occasional use of embedded video. I find that the citation guides are quite helpful and are likely used by a large number of students. In “Choosing Content-Creation Products,” Burke and Tumbleson note that LibGuides by Springshare is a valuable program for libraries to use, though libraries must pay for the software. They explain that “Guides can be created and categorized for broad subject coverage, specific topics, individual courses, or other purposes… The creation of individual guides in this product is supplemented by the presentation of all of the guides in a categorized searchable list” (Burke and Tumbleson 22). For an example of a guide created with LibGuides, see the Palomar Library MLA citation guide.

Work Cited:

Burke, John, and Tumbleson, Beth. “Choosing Content-Creation Products.” Library Technology Reports, vol. 52, no. 2, 2016, p. 23. EBSCOhost Accessed 21 April 2024.

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